Time to Pause and Take a Deep Breath
According to astrologers, the April 2023 pink moon has a lot to say about where we’ve been, how we got here, and what mindful direction we need to go next in our lives. In the coming weeks and months, it will be more important than ever to look into our future and ask, what’s next for me? This unique spring moon asks all of us to pause and take a deep breath before the next big chapter of our life begins. Let’s take a closer look at how to look to April’s pink full moon to see exactly what kind of mindful change is in store for us.
The Healing History of Pink
From an artistic perspective, pink is a mixture of both red (action) and white (purity and openness). As a traditional symbol of femininity, pink means innocence, gentleness, and things of the heart in ancient mythology and legend. Modern-day color psychologists attribute compassion, nurturing, and love to pink, increasing in passion and energy the deeper the color gets. Rose quartz crystal, with its soft pink hue, is famous for its healing properties and ability to manifest unconditional love and infinite peace.
Astrological Significance of the Moon
According to Susan Miller, world-renowned astrologer and author, the moon drives our deepest feelings, the fine-tuning of our character, our instinct and intuition, our emotions, and our reactions. Because of the moon’s special bond to women and female energetic vibrations, it serves as a trusty guide to those of us willing to turn inwards to look at our own wants, needs, and desires during this time of stress and instability. April’s pink moon amplifies our power as women, and asks us to step forward into our rightful place as leaders and healers rather than hiding in the shadows .
What the Spring 2023 Pink Moon is Asking of Us
There’s a lot of potent energy that will been stirred up with April’s pink moon, and we’re going to need to be ready for it. The biggest opportunity we’ll be given is to get to know ourselves better at the soul level. In order to do that, we’re all going to have to make some real changes. Recent events have pushed many of us beyond what we could reasonably call having control and stability in our lives into a place we never could have imagined or even been prepared to experience. The universe is sending humanity the strong message that it’s time for us to change, grow and expand. Mindfulness meditation can help us navigate through scary times like these by giving us inner strength, stability, and security. Here are three lessons about change that this moon can teach us, but only if we’re willing to listen.
#1 Stay Out of the Collective Energy of Fear
The first thing you’ll need to do to stay centered and balanced during this continuous time of upheaval and change is to stay out of the collective energy of fear. Fear is contagious. It not only weakens your immune system, but it also stimulates the part of your brain that triggers unhealthy levels of panic hormones. As humans, we can “smell” the fear pheromones put out by others, which in turn makes us feel anxious and tense, too. April’s pink moon wants us to stay out of the collective energy of fear so we can stay happier and healthier as individuals.
#2 Look for Your Meaning and Truth
Instead of going with the crowd (who just might be jumping off a cliff right now), consider staying strong in your inner truth and beliefs during this pink full moon. Now is the time for you to name and own your truths. What do you stand for? What are your core values and beliefs? Everyone handles crisis and stress differently, but you’ll need plenty of inner strength and resources to keep yourself going when the cookie starts to crumble. This particular moon is asking you to call on your inner compass for guidance, protection, and truth. That means defining your guiding principals and applying them to your everyday life so that when the choices get hard, you’ll know what to do, and why you have to do it.
#3 Trust Your Instincts
This time, it’s all about the gut. Forget about what others are telling you to do right now, trust your own instincts and choose the path that’s right for you regardless of what the committee thinks. Take an honest look at where you want to be in the coming months and decide how you are going to get there. That means following your instincts and trusting them, even in the face of opposition from people you love. April’s pink moon will reveal that now is the time to line up with your higher power to determine what is right for you.
How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help
With heavy energy and chaos still swirling around us, it’s imperative that we get centered and still. Mindfulness meditation can help you do just that. As you meditate, pay special attention to what thoughts and feelings come up. Chances are you are much more worried and fearful about things like your health, your job, and your loved-ones than normal. Mindfulness meditation also teaches us that we don’t have to hang onto those worries or negative thoughts if they ultimately don’t serve us well. Taking the time to acknowledge and release our inner fears is a healthy way to reduce toxic stress overload and calm your central nervous system. If you haven’t started meditating yet, now is the perfect time to enroll in an essential skills course to help you feel more balanced, peaceful, and calm.
The Challenge of Change
We all know change is difficult. The lesson that this particular moon wants to teach us is that we have to first accept and embrace change in order to move forward into the next big chapter of our lives. If we can accept the change happening in ourselves and in the world around us without needing to control it, we can step forward into the moonlight with newfound strength, courage, and conviction. If we cannot accept those changes, we will have no choice but to stay stuck in the dark shadows of our own self-doubt, anxiety, and fear. So the next time you gaze into a night sky bathed in radiant moonlight, remember the real message of April’s pink moon: change is scary, but I am strong.
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